Tulsi Benefits - Not Just a Holy Plant
Tulsi or the Holy Basil Is known since ages to have health benefits, however with urbanization & nuclear family living in compact flats the use of this very inexpensive super herb plant is reduced. Many also feel who will take care of plant & give water to it every day. The fact is , our priority in life is to be earning healthy life where in we end up paying to gyms & doctors. If you can just plant this in your small pot it will take care of your health issues. It’s tried by me personally & I recommend it to all.
Its only recently when my Dad visited my Place & was delighted to see our small Kitchen Garden. He immediately plucked 2 Tulsi leaves & started chewing it. The smile on his face was amazing he said you know this is amazing plant for curing diabetes. Then I also started using it, was just a week & I noticed that my acidity was lower then before stress was reduced & above all my headaches were stopped. Just chew 2 leaves every morning (isn’t it amazing). All Thanks to my husband who keep gardening as his hobby & maintains our Kitchen Garden its then he told me Tulsi is easiest to plant.
It’s very common in Indian households easy to grow, have 2 types
1) Green Coloured – Lakshmi Tulsi
2) Purple coloured – Krishna Tulsi.
It is worshiped, offered to Gods, thought to purify all contaminants. This is when I thought of studying more about this super plant.
What is there in Tulsi which makes it so useful, well it has Essential oils, antioxidants, phytonutrients, Vitamin A & C, K, linoleic acid best part is it will not harm in anyway.
With Malaria, Dengue & swine flu increasing in cities it’s very important to have this plant as natural support to help to improve your immunity against Bacterial & viral infections.
Following are the benefits :
Prevents against Infections
Relieves cold & flu
Prevents Stress
Blood purifier
Balances Hormones
Nerve tonic, sharpens memory
Fights cancer
Helps in healthy gum
Helpful in conditions like diabetes, hypertension
Lowers Acidity
Lowers Respiratory problems
Its anti-allergic
Immunity booster
Best digestive
Improves vision.
Following are benefits of planting it in your small plant
1) Easily accessible.
2) Give good values to children.
3) Make different uses like use on sandwich/soups/teas.
4) Looks beautiful.
5) Soothing to eyes so releases stress.
How to grow Tulsi
It Grows in Moist soil very easily. It needs mild sunlight as well. Just few centimetres below soil you can grow this plant indoors till it reaches 6 cm height best time is just before monsoon, with good sunlight it grows faster. You can also pick seeds from grown plant ( rub the flower and there are seeds inside, tiny black) and put it in the soil. It grows fast.
How to consume Tulsi
· Well you can eat it Raw – just pluck it & eat it any time of the day it will give best results
· Mix it in water/ detox water/
· Make kadha – boil tulsi leaves in 2 cup of water add 2 gm black pepper & boil it to half (i.e. 1 cup) and drink to reduce dengue symptoms
· Have it with Morning/evening tea
· Sprinkle over Poha/sandwich or dal with coriander leaves.
I am sure that those who do not have Tulsi Plant will buy & plant it and Those who have it will use it more often
As it is said “The Better you know Better your Health Can Be”.
If you like my article do write to me – tripti@swasthlife – Comments would be appreciated.
By :
Tripti Tambe
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