Diagnose and Manage a "Hyperactive Child"

Is My child Hyperactive?

Now a days we hear very often from parents, teachers, grandparents, neighbors that “this child is very hyperactive”.

Many parents make the child sit for studies for hours which is beyond their capacity and then complain, call them hyperactive, can’t sit for studies, keeps talking, leaves the place often, etc. But hyperactivity involves many other characteristics to be identified before we label any child as hyperactive.

The technical term is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( ADHD) . Which involves Inattention, Hyperactivity and Impulsive.

If five out of nine hyperactive behaviors (given below )are present in the child then only we can say that the child is hyperactive.

1. Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat.

2. Often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected.

3. Often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate.

4. Often has difficulty playing or leisure activities quietly.

5. Is Often on the Go or often acts as if driven by a motor.

6. Often talks excessively.

7. Often blurts out answers before questions have been completed.

8. Often has difficulty awaiting turns.

9. Often interrupts or intrudes on others.

Let us all decide not to label any child as hyperactive before we find at least 5 out of the above mentioned characteristics in the child.

If you find that your child has hyperactivity then you must take some steps to manage the hyperactivity.

We all have heard Michale Phelps name. Who has won more than 10 gold medals in Olympics. He was diagnosed with ADHD.

Following tips can help you to manage your child’s behavior :

ACCEPTANCE: First parents must take it positively that your child is hyperactive which means his energy level is more than his peers. If this energy is utilized, your child can do wonders.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Parents should send their child for some physical activity as per the availability and liking of the child. For example: swimming, karate, basketball, skating, etc.

MANAGING BEHAVIOR: Behavior Modification techniques are a great tool available with parents to improve the child’s behavior and increase his understanding about his own behavior.

PATIENCE: Parents patience level needs to be very high with these kids. If parents give up on them, scold them every now and then, point out their mistakes in front of others, talk to the sarcastically, hurt their ego unknowingly, these type of parent’s behavior lowers their self esteem , lowers self confidence.

DIET: Balanced diet is very important for these kids as their activity level is high they can suffer with some deficiencies. Its been suggested by some researchers that sweet consumption should be lower for hyperactive kids. Read child's nutrition requirements.

QUALITY TIME: If parents spend quality time with kids they tend to listen to that parent more. Kids co-operate and respect the parent who spends more quality time instead of telling them all the time does and dont's. Quality time is that time when the parent and the child both enjoy each other’s company, engage in some activity which they both like.

For example: cooking a special dish, outdoor game, indoor game, oiling each other’s hair, planning an event, trekking, planning a shopping list, cleaning house, watering plants, watching a movie together, etc.

SCHOOL PARENT COORDINATION: Its very important to inform the school about the child’s problem so that the school staff also help in managing the child’s behavior.

If the hyperactive kids are engaged properly and parents nurture their self-esteem , these kids can do wonders. They can be very productive, happy and responsible citizens.

Lets give them a good environment to develop their potential and a great future.

For more help you can contact the author

Mrs. Swapna Vithalkar ( Psychologist : 9657720516 )

Pune- NIBM



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