Managing School Holidays & Vacation times
School holidays are the most looked forward and cherished time for kids. No school, no studies, no scolding, no pressure, only FUN!!! But most of the parents become tense when summer holidays start. The disturbing thoughts which haunt the parents are,” Now the house will be messy!!!”, “Who will look after the kids when I go to work?”, and “He will watch TV, play mobile games throughout the day!” If you belong to the “HAUNTED PARENTS CLUB” described above, then you can utilize some of the tips, ideas mentioned here.
Tips to Managing School Holidays & Vacation times by Parenting expert & Psychologist.
Most important decide not to shout at your kids during holidays at any cost. Keep that urge for later use during school days.
Plan every single day along with your child. Don’t impose your plans on him if you want his cooperation. Involve him in planning the outings as well. Kids feel I am important my opinions are important for my parents. They start taking your suggestions seriously.
You can focus on developing some of his/her skills this summer for example, eating by self( without TV), arranging clothes, cupboard, folding clothes, drying cloths, watering plants, ironing the clothes, arranging his bed, dusting and cleaning house, taking pets for walk, making tea, cooking a favorite dish, stitching button, washing utensils, arranging dining table, etc.
These are some life skills which kids learn when they engage in these tasks: Organizing, cleaning, decision making, time management, listening and following instructions, development of fine and gross motor skills, skill of prioritizing, they learn importance of labor, learn taking responsibility.
Keep a special time aside for kids to play games with them. It helps to improve communication and get cooperation of kids. You will discover that kids start listening to you when you play games, engage in fun activities with them.
At bed time you can take a topic and ask for kid’s opinion about our national problems and how to solve them. For example, what do you think about the reducing green cover? Pollution? Water conservation? Public transport? Poverty? Illiteracy? Reducing girl child ratio?
Ask how to solve everyday problems like what to do when the maid goes on a 10 days leave? If water does not come for 5 days? If we don’t have TV for a month? How to increase our savings? What if all the shops are closed suddenly? What if any guests come without informing us? What if I get extremely angry and don’t have anyone to share my thoughts with? This type of discussion will prepare the kids to solve the problem instead of just cribbing about it.
Another game where everyone uses positive words and avoid No, Not Don’t, Won’t, Can’t, etc. negative terms. It’s a fabulous game but all the family members must participate.
Another family game which allows using only mother tongue and no English words.
Word games of places, animals, names, proverbs, are another fantastic time pass.
These games give opportunity to talk with each other and quality time is spent with kids.
Playing cards has always occupied households in India. It teaches many skills to kids which they can’t learn in schools, Being observant of others tricks, being alert, memory enhancement, planning, hiding own cards (being tactful with others), organizing, analyzing, segregating, grouping, to name a few.
Let us all make these holidays fun days and days to remember for life. Let us turn “Haunted Parents Club” into “Funny/ Hilarious Parents Club” and make kids holidays equally enjoyable for us all.
Lets give them a good environment to develop their potential and a great future.
For more help you can contact the author
Mrs. Swapna Vithalkar ( Psychologist : 9657720516 )
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Happy Parenting !!